sabato 19 marzo 2022

segnalo ancora ai corpi dell'UNITED NATIONS l'ultimo episodio di archiviazione

come riportato in questa pagina 

ultima archiviazione della denuncia del 2019. presunta violenza privata

video dei fatti

video dei fatti

nonostante il video aggiunto alla denuncia e la chiarezza di quello la denunca/querela è stata archiviata.

il che mi sembra strano in quanto dalle immagini si vedono comportamenti inequivocabili e si sentono 

parole altrettanto inequivocabili.

come se "scendi sei morto".

invece il Gip si sofferma sul mio comportamento sprezzante. e archivia. così rendendo inefficace tutta la 

serie di denuncie presentate.

i am .....

 i present a last evidence of a behavior much strange in my opinion. 

the prosecutors and judges continue to reject all my lawsuits. 

i have presented over xxx lawsuits all well documented in my opinion.  and all without a result.

last one is not different. i have post here  the details about this new refusal. 

here the video

i put here my report to this body about this problem. 

the facts are much evident and i don't know how explain this.

during a trip to job i meet a strange guy that react very hard to my behavior uncorrect. 

the guy chasses me on the roads and reacts very hard to my attempt to escape this situation. with dangerous maneuvers on the roads.

i have surpassed a long string of cars because i alwaus meet many strange behaviors on the roads. the string of cars put 

always much dalay in my trip on the roads. and much more. 

about strange facts on the roads i have presented 2 lawsuits at court but nothing i have got. the behaviors have continued 

until this time. so i am a bit nervous in these situations. 

the guy then stop and get out the car and start to speaks very hard at me.  

slam the door of car and refer to me  as  " if you escape from the car are dead"  and other. 

the gip (judge for preliminary investigation) at contrary in his motivation

focuses on my behavior that violates the rules of the road. on a page and a half  point only on this and nothing about all the 

other evident  and  in my opinion illegal behavior that I suffered. 

i ask to consider this and other facts all in same direction.  because i stand in a very serious situation


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