lawsuit presented
of lawsuits presented
in chronologically order i prersent all the lawsuits i
have presented in the time. they are detailed well in my site. the summary is
1 a lawsuit against me in june 2012 made for
embezzlement duration 24 months and 2 search at home. now
2 lawsuit for alleged stalking made on
24/10//2013 number 8884/2013 and 11/28/2013 integration I submitted:
3 on 11/28/2013 number 9822/2013 complaint
for bad service of a pharmacy. currently open proceedings but to no results.
4 always on 11/28/2013 number 838/2013 for bad
behaviors during a request for autopsy. an important witness was not heard and
lawsuit was closed.
5 on 7/16/2015 complaint for misappropriation of
a sum. the terms had expired but the fact could with aggravation .
closed. lawsuit can continue on request of damages.
6 on 26/9/2015 number 15464/15 for
other alleged stalking at home. open but on stand by for now. It has been
told i is closed now. Not have document from court yet.
7 on 12/10/2015 number 21099/15 more and
different type of stalking on roads. open this but on stand by
8 complaint for fraud by a mechanic on May 8,
2016. it was requested to closed. I did opposition an then opposition at
supreme court. Supreme court reject my legal demand in march 2018.
9 lawsuit 6/7/2017 protocollo
verbale: RNCS12 2017 VD 902136 stalking on the roads. Presented at
Carabinieri of my city. Other that of 12/10/2015 for more hard
stalking. Actually open.
lawsuit 18/10/2017 to reopen investigations on the old
lawsuit of october 2013 n. 8884. closed.
lawsuit for alleged stalking in date 27/12/2017 . from a neighbour.
judge has asked to close this lawsuit.
effords to present another opposition with other arguments and materials was
delayed by lawyer of the time. I have listed my communications with this
lawyer. Lawsuit is so closed officially.
one minor signalation in November 2017 to police for strange behaviours
near city park. To me it seemed another stalking done by several people. open
13 in 17 september 2018 I presented lawsuit a
prosecutor to consider if in behaviour of my lawyer and of Judge GIP there have
been something relevant for justice. And asked to reopen investigation on that
judiciary case. And add other details in form of records and
14 In 7 march 2019 I present another reporting
/compliant to police of my city for bad behaviour of one person on the roads.
It was almost an aggression and with a damage to my car in my opionion.
2019 presented other compliant to local office of Carabinieri for
disturb from my neighbours
presented other compliant for other almost aggression on roads in 11
september 2019 you can see the video here
Human Rights
Complaint Procedure Form
Complaint Procedure Form
You are kindly requested to submit your complaint in writing in one of the six
official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish)
and to use these languages in any future correspondence;
Anonymous complaints are not
It is recommended that your complaint does not exceed eight pages, excluding
You are kindly requested not to use abusive or insulting language.
I. Information concerning the author (s) of the communication or the
alleged victim (s) if other than the author
Group of
Last name: xxxxx………
First name(s): xxxxxx………….
Nationality: …italiana……
Address for correspondence on this complaint: via xxxxxxxx………..
Tel and fax: (please indicate country and area code) xxxxxx……….
E-mail: xxxxxxxxx……….
youtube1 190 videos
youtube2 150 videos
youtube3 63 video
all visible.
facebook site
Submitting the complaint:
On the author’s own behalf:
On behalf of other persons: (Please specify: ………………..)
II. Information on the State concerned
Name of the State concerned and, as applicable, name of public
authorities responsible for the alleged violation(s): Italia, …………..
III. Facts of the complaint and nature of the alleged violation(s)
The complaint procedure addresses
consistent patterns of gross and reliably attested violations of all human
rights and all fundamental freedoms occurring in any part of the world and
under any circumstances.
Please detail, in chronological
order, the facts and circumstances of the alleged violations including dates,
places and alleged perpetrators and how you consider that the facts and
circumstances described violate your rights or that of the concerned
I have presented at least 10
lawsuits to prosecutor. I list them next and discuss them in brief after the
list. All lawsuits have problems. I discuss in detail the lawsuit of 24 october
2013 one of most importance and without result. And that I think has caused all
the problems.
I present complaint for 2 type of
violations. But i have many other violations i have suffer in time and i list they next. Of everyone i have all details listed there.
1 lawsuit for alleged disturb -s made on
24/10//2013 number 8884/2013 and 11/28/2013 integration I submitted. closed by supreme court of cassazione.
7 on 12/10/2015 number 21099/15 more and
different type of S on roa. open this but in stand by with many other facts linked. Other lawsuit of s on the roa open but nothing result.
my lawsuit for
alleged stalking at home was made on 10/24/2013,
the lawsuit was
I complained about disturbs from neighbors and
presented audio and video files and a written testimony of a person. I
indicated people who could testify at home during the time period considered.
And said about many other documents I had and I could present.
i listed audio e 3 video files. I files audio were
between april may june 2013, e june july august and September 2013. I add also 3 video files and their audio
files. They are those
web 38 video of
19/11/2013 and audio STE_004 from
17.18 audio e video collegati
web 39 video
da 19.14
and audio STE_007da 19.14 audio e
video collegati
web 43 video da 14.33
and audio STE_010 DA 14.33.30
all are found here
audio e video ok!AgRtZMsp6whyghLVmlelZ2iHNeAe
in the final part of this first part there are 2 transcription of talk
with lawyer at 22 and 30 novermber 2016. little first of court hearing of 2
december 2016.
And part of recording files audio and video I could not present to court
in first investigation and in court hearing of 2 december 2016. I have post
only files recorded in daily time because police in first investigations has
told it is not possible distinguish noise from within or outside the home.
The lawsuit was requested to
in June 2014. the opposition, which was presented in a
right times has not brought to some result for 2 and a half years.
only for my insistence was fixed by judge an hearing in chambers on 2/12/2016
that ended with the judge (GIP) that send the case to judge of peace on
small charges of disturbance of rest of the people. Also this charge ended with
archiviation after 1 court hearing going without none.
I think problems with this lawsuit are
1 Investigations from judictiary police
have been very poor. People listened had little to say and people
really important have been not listened. Notices without sense have had
much space in investigation and are reported also by police in their conclusions.
Police says it is not possible understand if noise are over the limit of
sopprtation and also if they come from within or from the oustside the
home. I have presented a few of the
audio file i have sent ti this organisation in the list next.
2 Witness important have changed a little their
3 Audio and video surely have been little
heard and seen.
4 Other aspects of problems have been not
investigates. For example woman that helped my old father perhaps was menaced.
She said to me clearly she does not want to testify.
5 Lawyers have done very little. In my
opinion have done nothing and perhaps problems. My lawyer had ask details of
investigation at court only 2 weeks before hearing in court. And in court he
behaved in contrast he had told to me in my previous talks 2 days before going
to court.
All is on my site
in details after judge rejected charge of
stalking and send people to another judge for charge of disturb of rest of
people I put appeal to supreme court. I did everything by myself. my lawyer
advised against making the appeal at supreme court preferring a new charge of
in my site
i list all strange behavious of lawyer.
lawyer does not knew if results of investigations of police
was possible to publish. i wanted to publish because all the situations
were going strange. At the end judge (gip) schedule court hearing to discuss my
opposition against archiviation of the judge in 2/12/2016. in
date 30/11/2016 I meet with my lawyer and my registrations show has get the
pages of results of investigations few days before. and hearing in
chamber lasted around 5 minutes. in the time i asked to this lawyer to do
things. i have got nothing. literally.
one witness i listed i thought was menaced. i speak
with this and another lwayer. nothing
has happened. I did everything by me. I asked to this lawyer to demand a
document I have sent on line to bus company to protest against treatment this
woman suffer by a one of its drivers. The document on line was not found. In my site communication with lawyer and bus
A file important
where is possible hear
one file important put in evidence!AgRtZMsp6whyih25KxJs5gr9zp8k
8.1.13 it is possible to hear missis says noise
come from there
- 9 january 2017 I appeal to supreme
court; in it i signal that the investigators have not heard important
witnersses when they were present in my home during the period under
consideration. While police had listened people who weren't informed of the
essential facts in a comprehensive manner. In fact the apartment where i lived
and under consideration by the complaint was the only occupied when the facts
took place. in the period between October 2012 and December 2013 only i and my
neighbor were present in that home. And that was the time when audio and
video recordings were also presented in lawsuit. The other witnesses were not there and were
not informed about disturbs. Also I noted that after 2 and a half years
some important witness may not be easily found among those reported.
The appeal was filed by me on 1/9/2017 when the
lawsuit was presented 10/24/2013.
and was discarged from supreme court in
October 2018.
Here are the results of
investigations of judictiary police
something wrong in statements of
al number 5 there is the testify of man with sign, date
and description of facts. They are a
little changed when asked by police. As it is possible to read in testify the
facts are very much confused. I could say the opposite but I could never do it.
The testify on paper is important.
Then in
the first investigations of police
there are many details unuseful who give an wrong description of me. The people
listed say many strange things about me. The people lived away from my home and
can not know the facts. But they were listened however. 5-6 people out my home
and home of neighbours who known nothing. 2 witness within my home were not
found and not listened. And i give to police name and cell number. The first
investigations are filled with testify of 5-6 people who know nothing.
And 1 people has told something
different respect that has written.
many audio e files i can not present
to police or to court for:
My opposition to archiviation stay
silent for over 2 years ( from june 2014 to December 2016) and only for my demands judge (GIP) put an hearing court
for 2 december 2016.
Here are 2 records of talks with
lawyer. 22 and 30 september 2016. few days before court hearing of 2 december
transcriptions are next in this document
In all this time i understood the
situation was terrible but i have never had help from other lawyers i have
spoke. In this time I have presented other lawsuits. In particular lawsuit for
stalking on the ro (at end of 2015). Stalking started at least in 2013. i
started to record in February 2014. and other lawsuits and i still wait the
answers from those. I had still a minimum faith in justice.
It is clear i had no
Still the disturb are surely caused
by those neighbours because like i have clarified in the time for 1,5 years
only i and the neighbours were present in the building. The owner of other home
in the investigations said clearly about
time of rent of the home.
It were listen people knew nothing
about facts. People work within my home were not found and not listen. I had
gived details about them. At number 8 of
this page
it is told
the mrs that work to help my old
father not found and other witness not found too. They were listed in
the lawsuit of October 2013.
indicava il nome Sig.ra M. S. presente
in casa dal febbraio 2013 al giugno 2013. con numero di telefono 3270456...
e il signor Enrico tel 3202251...
opposizione del giugno 2014 si indica un ulteriore numero di telefono della
signora 3246249...e si indicava che
lavorava ancora poco distante. e risultava ancora presente in aprile 2014 in zona. come potrebbe
indicare una signora vicina che era entrata in confidenza con la signora. I have audio e video record of meeting with witness. A few
E un
altro del novembre 2015
In the site there is this
video di
un incontro del 29 agosto 2017 tagliato e audio modificato per la privacy
I have presented
lawsuit to reopen the investigations in late 2018 and signalled all the bug of
investigations and other. archiviated.
I have signaled the
behaviour of a few people in this story to prosecutor to see if there are some
misbehaviour relevant.
file I have put on line who I wanted present for my lawsuit.
Audio e video of lawsuits are
available on line for example. Audio end video of lawsuit of 24 october 2013
are here. On onedrive.
audio ok!AgRtZMsp6whygmxnwY-rnQMLb9Wr
16.11.13 audio ok!AgRtZMsp6whygm0Mwpb-u7NLRtL6
17.11.13 audio ok!AgRtZMsp6whygm57H2K1RkAxdO2t
18.3.14 audio e video ok!AgRtZMsp6whygm-oRNEBUTwB5oC2
18.11.13 audio e video ok!AgRtZMsp6whygmtOlJG0l-AFJB3W
19.11.13 audio e video ok!AgRtZMsp6whyghDUghBSkNYRQsq6
20.11.13 audio e video ok!AgRtZMsp6whyghHeZc_wLhvTaf9s
21.11.13 audio e video ok!AgRtZMsp6whyghLVmlelZ2iHNeAe
audio dei mesi di 2012 e 2013
files audio del mese di ottobre 2013
next also the transcription with
lawyer in month of novembre 2016.
Facts and documents are very many.
List is at
I provide transcription of talks with lawyer in date 22 e 30 september
2016. audio is here!AgRtZMsp6whyizsldfincqprhths
allegato trascrizioni complete
delle conversazioni
il 22 novembre 2016 colloquio con avvocato. riassumo: la
trascrizione è elencata in copia 4
mi dice che non ha preso il fascicolo. io dico che gli ho mandato una
pec il 23 settembre. e l'udienza è tra 10 giorni. vuole essere nominato come
avvocato di fiducia. e mi chiede di mandare l'email per prendere gli atti.
reitera la richiesta di essere nominato. non risulta che sono io il tuo
avvocato. non è importante la mail o la pec. dice che ha bisogno di un
pezzo di carta dove tu mi deleghi a rappresentarti. perchè avendo fatto tutto
per conto tuo non risulta che io sono il tuo avvocato. nel fascicolo io
non ci sono. hai presentato la denuncia e l'opposizione da solo. ma io sono
venuto da lei per parlare delle cose. io la mando stasera la pec per
autorizzare a prendere gli atti.
38.30 mi dice che l'autorizzazione a prendere gli atti va bene sia
con la pec sia con la email. dice che non ha ricevuto la email. la mia
pec è stata inviata e anche accettata dal server di posta. l'avvocato dice che
non l'ha ricevuta.
dice lei non me l'ha data la pec. io l'ho mandata alla sua email non
al min 42.50 dice che l'udienza è il 2 dicembre e non mi devo importare
se gli atti lli studia in un giorno. chiedo che cosa discutiamo durante
l'opposizione? dobbiamo convincere il GIP a rinviare gli atti al PM perchè il
Pm completi le indagini. cosa dobbiamo fare allora noi abbiamo diversi punti da
sviluppare ( i testimini la badante i file audio video).
dice delle cose che non sono state adeguatamente valutate.
54.49 dice io la difesa la imbastisco. macche difesa è l'accusa
dico. troverà qualcosa da dire.
55.46 dico nella opposizione cosa discutiamo? dice io peroro la tua
opposizione dove tu dici vi prego di non archiviare perchè ci sono anche questi
ulteriori elementi di prova che ti produco. discutiamo l'opposizione non è il
processo. . diciamo che non deve essere archiviata il procedimento ma
proseguito l'istruttoria e rinviatoa processo. possiamo fare riferimento anche
agli elementi presentati nella denuncia.
57.44 chiedo se posso intervenire durante l'udienza in camera di
consiglio. dice che non lo sa. dice sei li eventualemte provaci.
57.55 elenco ancora i punti da sviluppare: i testimoni, una
testimonianza scritta. parliamo dello scritto del testimone. non sa bene di
cosa si tratta al 22 novembre 2016.
1.01.10 come andiamo avanti. dice prima del 2 dicembre possiamo solo
studiarla. dico ancora io gli ho mandato gli elementi.
1.01.56 lei gli audio li ha ascoltati o ne? ma lei non me li ha mai
chiesti neanche. mi chiede ancora di fare la nomina. io gli dico gli rimando la
email. mi chiede anche il numero del procedimento. dico l'ho messo sicuramente.
poi alla fine mi dice forse ho cancellato la tua email. che polemica è questa?
dice ancora forse mi hai mandato la mail in settembre ma allora non era
fissata la data dell'udienza e lui non poteva andare a prendere gli atti. io
dico no io sono andatoa prendere gli atti subito dopo la richiesta di
archiviazione. dice che quando il fascicolo ritorna davanti al GIP io non posso
andarea prenderlo più.
1.04.51 dico visto come è andata sicuramente la archiviano. prepari il
ricorso in cassazione. non mi farà perdere il tempo dopo. dice ci saranno i
classici 30 giorni.
1.05.50 dico in 2 anni non ha fatto niente per quello di soldi ne
do pochi.
30 novembre 2016 incontro avvocato due giorni prima udienza. sembra che
l'avvocato non mi sostenga a svii verso cose importanti. e mi dia contro anche
sulle cose fondamentali. l'avvocato al 30 novembre 2016 ancora non ha chiaro i
fatti. o almeno così sembra e svia sempre su una strada meno grave di quello
che è.
min 7.40 mi
legge le 3 cose che ha scritto. dice che tutti quelli sentiti hanno detto che
da li provenivano i rumori. ma le cose non erano regolari. un testimone
ha detto che ha sentito per tre volte i rumori e ha avuto la disponibilità per
un mese della casa. dice che la sua dichiarazione non è contraddittoria.
dico di si. allora dice quello lo posso precisare. dico ancora ha fatto la
richiesta del rapportino ai carabinieri. dice ho fatto la richiesta ma non mi
hanno mandato niente.
12.30 poi parla delle cose dette da un testimone che non dice niente di
13.30 dico non parli di questo che non è importante. dice io non
ho un cazzo da dire. dico l'artigiano è venuto e ha detto che ha sentito i
rumori a maggio 2011. poi in autunno c'è stato il rapportino dei carabinieri
che dicono che non hanno trovato. poi dal 2012 ho altri files. poi ho la
badante Magda che stava in casa con noi. poi ho enrico un altro aiutante dl
babbo. poi ho nacora dei files. anche video.
18.33 ancora dice che l'artigiano mi ha chiesto la casa ionvece ero io
che lo invitavo a venire per fare da testimone. lui legge. io dico no. non è
19.56 dico veramente dura 5 minuti quella roba lì? quando deciderà il
giudice? forse il giorno dopo se non decide al momento dice. e dice
ancora che il punto non sono che non ci sono i testimoni ma che i rumori non
siano volontari.
24.03 dice che un famiglia che confermava i rumori sono entrati
nell'appartamento nel dicembre 2013
26.59 dice che i carabineri hanno detto che il quadro probatorio sarebbe
insufficiente in caso di rinvio a giudizio. io ribadisco all'avvocato che
ho la testimonianza dell'artigiano la badante che stava in casa con noi. poi
anche l'ltro aiutante del genitore. che erano indicati in opposizione. nei
video si sentono i rumori e io che dico alla badfante chi sono quelli che fanno
questi rumori? sono loro? lei dice si. dica queste cose al gip. poi in un altro
audio si sentono dei colpi e io che chiedo alla badante senti qualcosa. no dice
dico ho audio e video selezionati per la denuncia che vanno da ottobre
2012 fino a novembre 2013. e l'avvocato
32.23 continua a dire del fatto che avendo insonorizzato la casa quella
è la rpva che i disturbi c'erano. dico no perchè erano fatti nel 2009. mantre
le altre cose importanti non sono considerate. e poi ci sono i testimoni che
non sono stati sentiti.
34.57 dico punti su questo: il testimone artigiano incoerente o peggio.
contesti quella testimonianza lì.
37.10 dico le cose le dico io. ma lui dice tu non puoi parlare domani.
forse potrai dire scusi giudice...dico all'avvocato dire al giudice il mio
cliente contesta all'artigiano perchè quello mdetto è imprecisa.
45.32 ancora puntualizzo i punti salienti. la
testimonianza del artigiano che è almeno imprecisa rispetto quella che è. poi
il rapportino dei cc che ho chiamati. durante questo periodo è morto anche il
47.28 io posso parlare chiedo ancora? se no lo dica lei quello. i due
testimoni la badante ed enrico l'altro aiutante. i testimini importanti sono
quelli in casa per questo la badante era minacciata. e tutti e due non erano
sentiti. poi negli audio si sente la badante che dice sono loro e poi in una
altra occasione nega. poi ho i files audio e video.
54.49 ancora insiste sull'artigiano che mi da parzialmente ragione. no
dico è molto peggio.
così di seguito ripetendo la solita litania di imprecisioni. e mi
contesta continuamente le cose che dico. alla fine dell'incontro l'avvocato non
ha chiaro ancora la situazione.
1.09.04 ancora dico se serve chieda a me. dico io
fiducioso. mi dice io posso partecipare.
invece non chiamato
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