venerdì 18 marzo 2022

segnalato la situazione agli organismi del UNITED NATIONS Preposti per queste cose

 Avendo subito tutta una serie di violazioni e presentato svariate denuncie/querele nel corso degli anni senza ottenere niente ho presentato appropriate segnalazioni agli organismi del' UNITED NATIONS per aiuto

Nel 2022 l'ho mandata via email potendosi mandare anche via email queste segnalazioni. le passate sono state mandate anche in modo cartaceo. 

questa è stata mandata all United Nations Council


mer 23 feb alle ore 00:11


i am italian citizen.

i send this email to complaint the continuity in violations on me and for every crime can to apply for them in accordance  with  mandate of the court.

i think very many crimes have happened on me  and i describe them by my lawuist i have presented to prosecutor and police. i have also multiple documents audio and video and written to support my statements. many of them are listed in my sites i listed next. of all lawsuits i have documents original. because them are at least 16 and more i put the link to my site to describe them

un summary 22 february 2022 of all violations on a single person.  more details follow. 

i send the official complaint procedure only with little details and add a more complete description of facts about the violations in a other wordpad file. other details i can to add

1  lawsuit for the facts in date 10 august 2020. status  open but not results.

2  laswuit dic 2020 for noise disturb at my home. status open but no results.

and writings to prosecutor for descibe fact linked to lawsuit of 2013 and reopen investigations. nothing

3  lawsuit for stalking on the roads  july 2017. status open but no results.

4  lawsuit for agression on the streets in date march 2019. status open but no results

5  lawsuit for strange facts on the roads date december 2015. status open but no results. 

6 strange facts at my home, date september 2015, status open but no results. requesto archiviation but did opposition. status open but no results.

7 other strange facts on the roads, status open but no results. request archiviation but did opposition. status open but no result.

8  lawsuit for strange facts at my home in date december 2017, request to archiviation. result closed.

9 facts strange at park. signaled to police. result nothing. 

10 lawsuit in date october 2013 for starnge facts at my home. requested for archiviation. did oppostion. gone to court in december 2016 with no reslts. a court hearing lasting 5 minutes. lawyer did nothing. also recourse at supreme court brought to nothing. stop in date october 2018.

my requesto to reopen investigations or new examen of case brought to nothing. always prosecutor rejected my request.  

about  stalking at home in date dicember 2017

i presented many documentation of audio e video but prosecutor asks archiviation. my lawyer did much confusion and i fail to put opposition to judge for lawsuit. my lawyers did almost nothing in all the lawsuit i have presented. but ia have spoken with at least 10 other and those were worst.

about strange fact on the road (aggression) in date august 2020 the events are so seriouis it is difficult to describe

in this case  problems were with people on the road ( no accident as has written the local police, but pure aggression). in my opinion much different is what has told local police. i was set to hospital to cure a few shot at the face. 

presented lawsuit to magistracy. still open but no results. carabineri called 2 times not came also if i said there was aggression., to place of problems. and they sent other 2 local police that did a very poor work. of more the facts have been changed by a witness that gave a version much different.  in my opinion false testimony. 

also so with my witness  that gave a clear description of facts nothing has happened. lawsuit open but no results. very strange.

other are minor lawsuits. a few still open. but most without result and waiting to end the limit to be prosecuted.


of more i experience many behaviors strange and negative and illegal. They regard all the sector of the life.  Almost everything in my city,  but i have seen it is smilar in others cities too

the healt sistem, 

 the movements with car

reparation of  the auto, 

the bank,  

the roads in general ,

the neighbours,

the purchasings  of things,

the supplies at home

next i list only a part of a long list of problems in these sectors. As an example. 

Esemples of  last problems 

problems with 2 boys on the roads. In the video it is possible to see that these boys scream high behind me in the car. one accuse me to bad behavior on the road and to have insulted him. from the video is possible to see  what they are sayng was incorrect. Perhaps a pretext to do trouble.

In this moment have not access to  my site but it is the first one described

Always problems on the roads as is possible to seeon my site  

audio problems have never stopped from years.  

in general i meet problems with everything. In particular

the healt sistem,  the movements,  and the auto,  the bank,  the roads,  the neighbours,  the purchasings  of things, the supplies at home.. 

problems with 1 purchase not done and payment of di 30-40 euro not done by me.  likely phishing.  from 5  to 11 2021 july several talks witha guy to get back some money. 

other 5 payments on my card. not done by me. little money bu t 5 false payment and purchases. 25-30 euro in 5 times. from september to late october 2021 i must to close the card. open another. wait the get back last money. and discuss how treat other money back. time waste and efforts.   

problems with a safe-deposit box  in my bank. the box had the lock broken. from 20 to 29 july talks and discussion to set to open and shift the docs and other from the box.

problems with the water meter.  the meter is showing more than it should. i have signaled the problem to water company. the company that manages the water supply responded like this. it seems very costly. i have little time for this and problem remain. 

other problems with all the supplies at home. perhaps all fraud. works in progress.

other strange fact at post office. a letter for some organization for human rights has been not delivered and comes back. it must stay on deposit for 30 days. but when I go to collect it before 30 days it was destroyed already.

it was a package of many pages. i must to  rewrite. 

letter not delivered

letter returned and destroyed

request of prosecutor to archive my lawsuit to reopen investigation on lawsuit of 2013 about stalking.  request is in date february 2021 and other at least 2 all rejected.

at the same url i did another lawsuit aboust disturb and other about a neighbour. much smilar to that in 2013 in 2015 and in 2017. no result. and asked to archiviate the lawsuit. 

at same url  

29 january 2021 other paper to add information to prosecutor about lawsuit of 2013. no results.

4 january 2021 healt problems, a renal colic. i go to hospital and meet several problems. the doctor want to do me long examinations. and wanto I to stay at hospital for more  time. doctor says if i go home that night i can to risk my life. i sign and go to home and the morning after  i are very well.   I HAVE VIDEOS OF THIS.

to signal that every time i call the night assistence i have very many problems. i don't have put all these problems on blog  but i have many records about. all those needed.

and always problems with my healt. care service always many problems. 

colica e hospital

also at the doctor. delay, refusal and other.

problems with mechanical reparations. many problems only a part.  2019


other difficulties with car assicuration and to have back the police doc about incident of 10 august 2020


and much more

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