pur avendo richiesto la ricevuta di ritorno a febbraio 2024 non ho ricevuto niente
my name is xxxxxx, i am born in xxx and live xxxxxin xxxxx. i am italian citizen.
i send this email to complaint the continuity violations on me and for every crime that is apply for them in accordance with mandate of the court.
i think very many crimes have happened on me and i describe them with my laswuist i have presented to prosecutor and police. i have also multiple documents audio and video and written to support my statements. many of them are listed in my sites and a few listed next. of all lawsuits i have documents original. because them are at least 22 and more i put the link to my site to describe them and on this document.
Next un summary at 4 september 2023 of all violations on a single person. more details follow.
i signal at this organization the growing tide of events that regard me and that are in my opinion only a great number of crimes. it started with a lawsuit in october 2013 when disturbs at my home that in my opinion were stalking ended with nothing. but killed my father. i have already describerd those events but i repeat here.
the list of evidences i presented at prosecutor brought to investigation of judiciary police that said in the end there was nothing strange or legally relevant. prosecutor accepted results of judiciary police and request archiviation. i did opposition in the regular times. but nothing happened in more than 2 years. my lawyer did nothing in my help in all the time. and at the end, first the judege for preliminary investigation and then the supreme court rejected the lawsuit in october 2018
next 2013 is the story of a muntain of crimes. i list only by lawsuit i have presented to prosecutor or police.
still to have a better ideas about the situation i list my sites. on them is possible to see in audio or video or written the detils about the mountain of violations.
a few are so clear it is possible to see litterally.
my site officially is https://aaastrangedevelopments.blogspot.com/
my other sites where there are list of evdences are
http://twitcasting.tv/verde_verde0/show/ over 2300 videos very many videos unluckly in low resolution
https://twitter.com/verde_verde0 with list of periscope video over 500 videos.
https://www.periscope.tv/verde_speranzax/1dRJZrnpyMMJB with only last video. perhaps the videos have been deleted in last year. they were of 2017 year and first. but everything has continued so today.
youtube1 with 180 videos.
youtube2 with 180 videis
youtube3 with 73 videos
facebook site with videos from 2 years.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014719841627 name george works
the sites list a continue list of crimes in my opinion. it is in italian but i list in simple form the facts listed in lawsuit or crimes or bad behavior. i have presented at least 22 lawsuits most of them have problems and serious problems. false testify, abuse, misconduct of pllice or lawyer or other people. there is not a solo problem. time of not intervention has worsen the situation. now there many problems. they are in clear way or are closed in archivied lawsuits.
lawsuits closed are often serious problem hidden.
i list the problems in
1 lawsuits treated about stalking on the roads and stalking at home. aggression on the streets.
2 then list all the lawsuits i have presented.
3 the list bad behavior in the life of all days. this is difficult to describe but i summarize the facts that are all more evident.
phisging for example, problems with healt, problems with auto, almost everyhing.
to start i begin with a lawyer i consult about a car accident.
i have got it because following a car accident I consult a lawyer who advises me to ask about the current and past situation of my legal issues. I agree and get these results.
there is only one lawsuit open and all the others have been filed
the open lawsuit is the one for disturbances from the neighbors
disorder lawsuit 2022
all other 4 complaints have been archived. for almost all i have asked to be informed if prosecutor asked to archivite them. i have almost never known anything about lawsuit. at least 2-3 weere presented to police (carabineri) but them have not sent to prosecutor.
so 2-3 have closed at beginning.
other have closed without i never know something.
other have been archivied by judge in very strange way.
other have sufferd about many problems in my opinion sometime for false testify.
other for misconduct of local police or other police.
with this situation i try only list the late situation and describe the major lawsuit with some more details
from examination of my legal situation with help of lawyer it appears
3 complaints appear missing, two of which presented to the Carabineri . probably not forwarded to the prosecutor.
For most of the filings, although I have requested to be informed of the filing request, I have not heard anything.
1 complaint of 26/9/2019 assault. complaint for private violence on the roads.
the investigating judge orders the archiving with a document from 2021. very strange.
2 complaint dated 10/12/2015 disturbances on the roads. archived by decree of 10/21/2016. in the complaint, I request to be informed of any request for archiving. never knew anything.
disturbances on the roads 12/2015.
3 complaint dated 11/5/2020 assault on the street sentenced by decree dated 5/30/2022
here the complaint and the attached documents
here the talks with the police and other talks
given the many problems present in the complaint, some incredible ones, I drop the complaint and do not appear at the hearing, thus decreeing the remission of the lawsuit
4 complaint dated 7/3/2019 street assault archived by decree dated 26/9/2019
complaint presented to the CC.
I ask to be notified of any archiving. never knew anything.
it seems that the list of complaints starts from 2015. from that date the following complaints are missing among the filed complaints.
5 report of disturbances at home presented on 26/9/2015 N. 15464/15. the Public Prosecutor requests the archiving to which I oppose within the foreseen times
6 report of disturbances on the roads dated 6/7/2017 verbal protocol: RNCS12 2017 VD 902136. presented to the CC. never knew anything.
7 complaint dated December 2020 for disturbances at home. presented to the CCs. never knew anything
https://aaastrangedevelopments.blogspot.com/2021/ at the bottom of the page
complaints 6 and 7 were presented to the CC. perhaps they were not forwarded to the prosecution.
but since 2015 there are several other complaints that have been filed.
from my ordeal at least 22 lawsuit among major and minor. but more.
for lawsuit of march 2019 presented to Carabineri i have never konwn something. it was archivied the doc of lawyer shows. it was an aggression on the streets at night with i have recorded all the facts. closed.
the lawsuits of september 2019 was request of archiviation fromprosecutor.i did opposition in the request times but other judge for preliminary investigation archivied that yet.
the judge said i had provocked the other guy and does not seed the bad behavior of guy and manace told to me. all the investigations and motivations of judge were focused to increase the my bad behavio on the streets. also the Carabineri i have presented the lawsuit said i have not requesto to prosecute the guy for his crimes too.
the archiviation of judge is very trange in my opinion at least. here
aggression of 10 august 2020 is still more strange. for the many problems created in that lawsuit i have at the end refused to apper to hearing so stop the lawsuit.
in my opinion there were many violations. i have listed many facts in my site. es talks of local police. with audio
talks of a my witness. with video.
documents of local police.
in my opinion there are misconduct of local police and false testify and other more problems.
police take the facts like some people said but not have listen to me that asked other form of investigation and demand to other people present.
stiil Carabineri called in first time does not come at place of facts and send local police.
all recorded by audio or video.
other lwasuit of december 2015 for stalking on the roads was closed without i never known someting.
the lawsuit of stalking on the roads of july 2017 presented to Carabineri was never sent to prosecutor. it does not appears in summary of lawsuit archivied or open from list.
perhaps the conseguence is that stalkin on the roads continue today as first day and worst.
about stalking at home closed without results in 2013 and next lawsuits about stalking at home in date september 2015, december 2017, december 2020 and may 2022 have prodced nothing.
2013 https://aaastrangedevelopments.blogspot.com/2013/11/apresentata-una-querela-al-tribunale-per.html
2015 https://aaastrangedevelopments.blogspot.com/2023/09/a-causa-di-un-incidente-stradale.html closed says document.
2017 https://aaastrangedevelopments.blogspot.com/2018/03/per-la-denuncia-di-presunti-atti.html archiviata. problemi con l'avvocato mi impedivano di fare opposizione
2020 https://aaastrangedevelopments.blogspot.com/2021/ in fondo alla pagina nothing.
2022 https://aaastrangedevelopments.blogspot.com/2022/09/denuncia-querela-vicini-maggio-2022.html
perhaps the conseguence is that stalkin at home continue today as first day and worst
but there is much more
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