A Io
24 Apr
Dear customer,i did not find any account using your email address.
We are sorry to inform you that the account was deleted due to the inactivity rule:
Accounts that were not used, meaning logged in or downloading, were deleted. Therefore we suggest you to create a new account.
If you still had files in the account which are online, this is because we host data without a time limit. Only files that have not been accessed for 90 days are deleted to relieve the system of forgotten and not needed content.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Best regards

Mirko Szymanowski
RapidShare Support
RapidShare AG
Schochermühlestrasse 6
6340 Baar
Telephone: +41 41 748 78 80
Email: support@rapidshare.com
19.04.2014 19:29 - xxxxxxxxxx schrieb:
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