martedì 9 aprile 2013

comunication for personal defense


With this communication I return to show another problem related to the communication presented  some weeks ago...( I am preparing…note I am preparing).  For a long time I have been to see how this strange situation evolved and have been to seek various assistance, in the meantime things have become always more evident and lead me to signal the problem.

The situation seems at me very surreal

- the starting case was with much curiosity for a few printed pages.
- the depth put in examination of things. Even the expert called upon to do the research is an luminary of sector.
Among all the lawyers I met many have shown attention but then found many ways to dismiss the case.

 -  someone asked an high price.
 -  others have increased the danger of the problem.
 -  others have shown an negative approach. disinterested, an denigrative approch. at the point that I lost all  the confident in these characters. and change them was a natural consequence.
 -  other worked to waste time...i have waited for a answere for weeks sometime...and the time was wasted...
    others put a lot of time between the request and the date of the appointment.  Often much time when there is the need. Or someone declines the request too.
 -   still others change the prospective of the problem. my problem has a peculiar prospective.
 -   other advertise someone involved in the problem.
- Even some unpleasant behavior against me so I badly treated naturally move away ... and it seems a normal thing.
- someone says through the secretary: i am very busy, contact the lawyer associations.

To signal one I met last 30 june 2013 asked 18000 euros (eighteen thousand euro.)  only as advance of payment. Privately signal the case. So to understand the situation.

so in conclusion the problems are several.

first...i have not a trusted lawyer, many are much away from the problem. Many subjects have put a lot of attention into the problem.

Second and as a consequence...i have not adequate support in a task virtually dangerous. in a task where is important that i have not the right role. A legally collaboration  and of defense and understanding the contest..

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