domenica 29 ottobre 2017


in attesa della Corte di Cassazione presento un esposto per riaprire le indagini della denuncia presentata in ottobre 2013. di seguito quello che ho presentato

and the points i have developped

a) i list the worker at my home that seems to say in investigations something different respect what he date sign and write in 3 papers. he says that "si trattenne in quella casa per un mese ma non si recò lì in modo assiduo. nell'arco del mese mi sarò recato lì per 5-6 volte. i on advice of a lawyer asked to this person to come in my home e write and date and sign what he heard.
of this i have written papers.  

b)  i list people live around me. those were not at knowledge about facts are happening in my home but they say something that give a bad appearance about myself. and are listed in conclusions from judictiary police.
one person say R was angry and list one epidode of bad behavior with the park of a car. aonther person say the same thing.
i list another episode where a son of one of these people put a car in bad position. i call urban police. but they come but not stopping. they go on because they received other signalation urgent and not come back in next times. i record this and signal to urban police. and signal in lawsuit. ( i think is a serios fact that one police after calling not stop and not return after finished other work...)

c)  i list other person that say he purchase the home and did works of insonorization. and put a layer of polystirene among walls.
instead the worker say he did the works under and above the home and a wall in home of neighbour but to pay was only mister R. 

d)  one of people investigated by judictiary police said i had with she bad feelings. i hosted one of family for 2 months aand this one took official residence in my home without tell nothing. i ask them to go away.
e)  other persons confirm noise but not say how much they were.
f)  i list  the judictiary police not found 2 witnesses present in home in last period of disturbs. i give name and cell number in lawsuit. and more informations in next opposition, but witnesses were not found.
i had many audio and video records but they were not heard.
g)  judictiary police in their conclusions say:
-  people say R was a person that asked in hard way his rights.
-  person investigated say R had bad feelings with them.
-  it is not possible say if noise was over normal. and more it is not possible distinguish noise from outside from noise within home.
-   still judictiary police say...from statemnts of person under investigation seems lack the will to give disturb to others.
and other strange facts. i asked to prosecutor to reopen ther investigations and formule more right allegations
here i have listed and all can download or listen the files audio and video. i list only files of daily hours. because those of night is possible hear more difficulty. those of day is possible distinguish more easily. the video then help much to understand the situation.
the files are upload on a cloud onedrive and can to be downloaded  or heard easily. files go from late 2013 to octobe 2012


presentata denuncia in data 6 luglio 2017 per ulteriori e più seri comportamenti on the