venerdì 2 giugno 2017


Non avendo nessun riscontro dalla legge per i miei problemi io mandavo sia per email sia in forma scritta una denuncia al HR Council  per segnalare la situazione in cui mi trovavo a vivere. Descrivendo sia fatti di tipo legale che mi stavano accadendo sia di altra natura che dettagliavo nella forma prescritta dalla procedura riportato quì.

la email mandata erano le seguenti. l'ultima del 1 febbraio 2017

rimando la stessa segnalazione aggiungendo che i fatti elencati nei video stanno continundo e persistendo. il nuovo url per i video è
la situazione ha lo stesso svolgimento su una base giornaliera xxxxx

segnalavo alla forza pubblica strani comportamenti intorno a me vicino casa in data 21 aprile 2017. e anche strani comportamenti xxxx in data 30 aprile 2017.

i problemi legali che mi hanno riguardato rimangono sospesi. vorrei che i molteplici problemi che mi hanno riguardato non portassero a sospendere anche la tutela della legge per me.


 several xxxxxxx on a single person
        Feb 1 alle 10:47 PM

Human Rights Council
Complaint Procedure Form

-          You are kindly requested to submit your complaint in writing in one of the six official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and to use these languages in any future correspondence;
-          Anonymous complaints are not admissible;                             
-          It is recommended that your complaint does not exceed eight pages, excluding enclosures.                  
-          You are kindly requested not to use abusive or insulting language.

I. Information concerning the author (s) of the communication or the alleged victim (s) if other than the author

Individual X                  Group of individuals                 NGO                  Other
Last name: xxxx………
First name(s): …xxxx……….
Nationality: …italiana…… 
Address for correspondence on this complaint:   via ionio xxxxxxx italy………..
Tel and fax: (please indicate country and area code)    xxxxx……….
E-mail: …   xxxxxxxx
Submitting the complaint:
On the author’s own behalf:  x
On behalf of other persons:  (Please specify: ………………..)

II. Information on the State concerned
Name of the State concerned and, as applicable, name of public authorities responsible for the alleged violation(s): …  italy………..

III. Facts of the complaint and nature of the alleged violation(s)
The complaint procedure addresses consistent patterns of gross and reliably attested violations of all human rights and all fundamental freedoms occurring in any part of the world and under any circumstances.
Please detail, in chronological order, the facts and circumstances of the alleged violations including dates, places and alleged perpetrators and how you consider that the facts and circumstances described violate your rights or that of the concerned person
the facts are violating my rights and life are many,  i list here them in summary

I  XXXX  born in XXXX on XXXXX and resident in XXXXX  put at the attention of this Organization the following problems that make my life very complicated this time. And especially a life without justice and protection as you can see from the documents and items judictiary i  present. The facts are listed below but you can also see them summarized in the site

1) a lawsuit against me in june 2012 made from director of my office at job for printing 20-30 pages,  has resulted in charges of embezzlement and a 24 month long investigation is now complete with archiviation. With two house searches by police.
2)  my lawsuit for XXXX  was made on 10/24/2013, it was request to be filed in June 2014. the opposition, which was presented in a right times  has not brought to some result  for 2 and a half years. only for my insistence was fixed by judge an hearing in chambers on 12/2/2016 that ended with the judge (GIP)  that send the case at judge of peace on small charges of disturbance of rest of the people. my lawyer advised against making the appeal on supreme court preferring a new charge of stalking

 3) The appeal to supreme court was presented by me; in it i signal that the investigators have not heard importante testimones when they were present  in myhome during the period under consideration. While they had heard people who weren't informed of the essential facts in a comprehensive manner. In fact the apartment where i lived and under consideration by the complaint was the only occupied when the facts took place. in the period between October 2012 and December 2013 only i and my neighbor were present in that home.  And that was the time when audio and video recordings were also provided. The other witnesses were not felt on those disturbs because they weren't there. Also I note that after 2 and a half years some important witness may not be easily found among those reported.
The appeal was filed by me on 9/1//2017 when the lawsuit was presented 24/10/2013
4) over this case of slow justice i have presented another case of lawsuit very similar e presented in date on 26/sett/2015  number 15464/15 . Accompanied by sound files to confirm everything. Still open but without results.
 5) I again presented a lawsuit for stalking on XXXXXXXXXXXX  in 12/10/2015  number  21099/15. in this i signal the incorrect behavior of different subjects on the XXXX. A summary of things that happen lately are viewable on the site https://twitter. where the videos are taken with the program
In addition to these videos i have presented in the lawsuit more videos from March 2014
over than on the XXXXXXXX i have encounter strange behavior in many other social situations. Some of these are documented in video site.
This lawsuit seems revealing of misconduct towards me on several fronts so much that i have rised a considerable anxiety in me. Of more the delay with which these problems are treated by Justice push me to use this resource to try to find a solution. This lawsuit is open from December 2015.
Other problems are listed on the site in summary form. In fact they are more than i tell because this is only a summary.
Just i list some elusive behavior of various tecnicians I consulted in time and I kept documentation.
For example some tecnician i consulted to do improvements at home. Starting from 2010 I almost got nothing and several technicians i have consulted.

On the site you can see summarized all these elements and dununcie presented.
A list is this
-  chronologically after the lawsuit     made on 10/24/2013 number  8884/2013 and 11/28/2013 integration I submitted:
-  on 11/28/2013 number 9822/2013  complaint for bad service of a pharmacy. currently open proceedings but to no results.
-  always on 11/28/2013 number 838/2013 for bad behaviors during a request for autopsy. an important witness was not heard and lawsuit was filed.
-  on 7/16/2015 complaint for misappropriation of a sum. the terms had expired but the fact could be aggravating. filed. can continue on request of damages.
-  on 9/26/2016  number  15464/15 for other xxxx.   open but on stand by for now.
-  on 12/10/2015 number  21099/15 more and different type of stalking. open this also but on stand by
-  complaint for fraud by a mechanic on May 8, 2016.
It all seems very strange and in the absence of credible support I ask help to re-establish a minimum of Justice. Complete complaints and return to live.
I have these and others compliants. I don’t report all these. Most of these is possible to read on the site

of more I signal that on youtube site i report other videos that show continuation of bad behavior on XXXXX. bad behaviors has continued and worsen from time i have presented compliant in december 2015 until today. in the compliant i have presented videos started in march 2014.  lawsuit is open but without results.
i have signaled bad behavior of people around me in 21 april 2017 to police and rcently for problems on the streets.  the videos are at this url of youtube


 compliant from italian citizen
        26/09/16 alle 5:55

i have submitted this compliant to your office using this email adress  . i have used the procedure said in your site
but then i have found that email is different. another email is reported   sorry per mistake. i resend the signalation. as you can to see the situation is very serious. time and lack of justice can become most great problem. denial of rights i have never heard but maybe is another way to punish.
i signal that problems are many other than those reported. i submit these for simplicity. on the site below  i report a summary of violations and problems i currently have.

worse problem is waste time and no results like in some other case i reported in past. time is crucial. with time everythig goes worst. waste time come form lawyers and everyone so situation is very hard. i need of legal support at least. i have wasted time but things are very strange.
i send this compliant and a document attacked.

Human Rights Council
Complaint Procedure Form

                      You are kindly requested to submit your complaint in writing in one of the six official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and to use these languages in any future correspondence;
-                     Anonymous complaints are not admissible;       
-                     It is recommended that your complaint does not exceed eight pages, excluding enclosures.                              
-                     You are kindly requested not to use abusive or insulting language.

I. Information concerning the author (s) of the communication or the alleged victim (s) if other than the author

Individual                   Group of individuals                 NGO                  Other
Last name: xxx………
First name(s): xxx………….
Nationality: …xxx…… 
Address for correspondence on this complaint: via xxxxxx    italy………..
Tel and fax: (please indicate country and area code) xxxxx……….
E-mail: xxxxxxxx……….
Website: https://   …https://www.…http://
Submitting the complaint:
On the author’s own behalf: 
On behalf of other persons:  (Please specify: ………………..)

II. Information on the State concerned
Name of the State concerned and, as applicable, name of public authorities responsible for the alleged violation(s): Italia,   various…………..